Monday, August 25, 2008

The MSF is Temporarily on Hold....

     Help!   The downstairs fridge called it quits.   That means all the extra meat purchased from Sam's Club has no place to go!    All of the Egg Rolls, Chicken Kiev's, Lean Cuisine's, Ore Ida French Fries......god forbid Dove Bars are melting!   

     Today I made meatballs with 6 pounds of hamburger.   I figured I could freeze them after they were baked and the new fridge was delivered.   I felt like a caterer.

    Then I bbq'd chicken breasts,   pork chops,  today is the turkey breast.   I guess we'll be eating lots of spaghetti & meatballs,  fajitas and salads and pizzas......  I can just pretend I'm one of those super prepared moms that makes all her meals ahead of time.
     Meanwhile,  I have to  clean out the old fridge and vac behind it so that the delivery guy thinks  I am spotless.    ~ Robyn


nikkicrumpet said...

OH MAN THAT IS NOT GOOD....well the meatballs look good...but having the freezer go poop and having to cook is a bad bad bad least it would be for me...I'm afraid at my house the dogs would have just got a buffet lol. Good luck with the new fridge! And Crumpet says he can help you with those meatballs.

onlymehere said...

Oh no!!!! This is worse than my laundry room flood. Wish I was there to help you out and put stuff in my fridge until your's arrived. At least you were clever enough to do these meatballs to save the meat!

Tootsie said...

at least you noticed before the meat went bad! you will have lots ready for the times when you need them! they all look good

SmilingSally said...

I sure wish I lived close by. I could offer some storage for all of that good food (some in my refrigerator and some in my tummy!).

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Oh Robyn, that's too bad about your fridge, if only we knew when it was time to get a new one before they quit. Your meatballs look wonderful and thankfully it is cooling off now!

Tootsie said...

there is an award in my blog for you if you are interested