Miles loves Outdoor Wednesday!
He loves to help me plant flowers and herbs.
He patiently waits for me to take
the new little "plant-ling" (is that a word?)
or should I call it
"the little $3.99 3-1/2" potted herb
that's not on sale - ever...."
so I bought just a few,
a little of this and a little of that
and $45.00 later.....
Miles can enjoy grabbing
that empty container and running full speed
around the yard.
Today was 90+ degrees!
I am "one of those people" that are the
first to put on shorts,
but have no business wearing them in public.
But you know, I am 46 and I just don't give a Rat's Aster
what people think anymore.
If I'm hot, gosh darn it, I'm gonna wear shorts.
My doctor referred me to a Rheumatologist -
a few weeks ago. It seems like right after my 46th birthday,
I started falling apart. Or actually, I felt like I was run over
by a Mack Truck.
My whole body hurt everywhere. Especially my hands.
You know I need my hands for work, and for blogging...
Anyway, it took 3 weeks to get into the Specialty Clinic
and the doctor that I was assigned turned out to be
the Biggest Jerk.
For 45 minutes of the one hour appointment
I got raked over the coals for my BMI.
How it wouldn't pay for him to treat my joints
because I would just have a heart attack and die
THEN he proceeds to read my chart... oh yeah,
well your blood pressure is okay, well you're just
going to be a diabetic anyway, oh well, I guess not -
but I'm sure your diet is terrible, yeah, I see that your
Cholesterol numbers are good.
Oh yeah, your sediment rate is kind of high.
Well, if you lost some weight you'd feel better.
Let me see your joints....
yeah, they are swollen, Hmmm, your knee is grating.
Here's a list of physical therapists. Make an appointment
with one and learn how to exercise.
Don't come back here until you lose some weight,
start with 5 pounds.
Yeah, you have some type of arthritis....
I just can't tell you what type it is - it's
not Rheumatoid or Lupus.
I can tell him what type -
Psoriatic. I told him that at the beginning
of my appointment.
It runs in my family. My Mom has it, her sister-my Aunt,
and my cousin. In our family, we get the arthritis first
and the psoriasis about a decade later.
My cousin was only in her 20's when she was afflicted.
She went to the Mayo Clinic for her diagnosis.
Only 3% of the population develop the arthritis first.
He didn't want to hear about it.....
But I sure do know, that he rides his bike to work
everyday, and he races his bike on weekends,
and he swims daily, and etc.
I received my bill for his appointment today.
Everybody I talked to about this wanted to know why
I just sat there and took this. Why I didn't walk out.
I don't know. I sure do know that it's going to kill me
to pay for this abuse!
Besides, I think I gained another 5 pounds -
just because.
Don't forget to stop and visit
she has the list
of all of the
Outdoor Wednesday offerings!
And she's real nice, too!